At AEGEE-Bamberg, we organize several local events for our members. These are opportunities to get to know each other, become friends and create a comforting group atmosphere as well as a strong team to organize future events.
Weekly meetings
We organize weekly meetings during which can consist of workshops, the planning of future activities or just of hanging out together. These meetings are usually taking place in our university room. Sometimes, however, we enjoy having them in a more informal environment, for example a bar. Non-members are always invited to join, too. So don’t hesitate to drop by and get to know us!
The Local Training Course (LTC) is an event geared towards team building and bringing AEGEE closer to non-members interested in joining our association. Therefore, if you are interested but not yet sure whether you would like to become a part of AEGEE-Bamberg, the LTC is the perfect opportunity to get to know us better and make up your mind about whether or not you would like to join us. Usually, the LTC takes place over a weekend, where we will get to know each other, have different workshops, party, enjoy fun activities and learn more about AEGEE and how to participate in other local and international events.